Master Thesis

1Thein TunM.Phil. (Parasitology)1991– Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Cattle and their Effect on Cattle Production– The Impact of Nematodes on Poultry Industry– Animal Cestodes that Endanger Public Health– Fascioliasis and its Importance in Animal Production– Haemoflagellates– Importance of Flies in Veterinary Medicine
2Tin Tin MyaingMPhil (Pharmacology01991
3Thein TunM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)1993Some Ecological Studies on the Development of Ascaridia galli Eggs
4Tin Tin MyaingM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)1993Sensitivity Test of Five Antibiotics on Some Common Bacteria
5Soe Soe WaiM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2001Detection of Drug Residues in the Meat, Liver, Kidneys and Eggs of Chicken Experimentally Induced with Antibiotics
6Lat Lat HtunM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2001The Study of the Effect of Two Antibiotics and an Indigenous Seed on the Development of Experimental Ascaridia galli Infestation in Chicken
7Aye Sandar ChoM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2003The Effect of Supplementation of Vitamin A and Vitamin C on Population of Worm and Growth of Cockerels Experimentally Infected with Ascaridia galli
8Khaing Sapai MyintM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2003Study on the Effect of Low Protein Levels in the Ration on the Population and Development of the Worm in the Cockerels Experimentally Infested with Ascaridia galli
9Ni Ni MawM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2004Studies on Comparative Efficacy of Three Anticoccidial Drugs against Experimental Eimeria tenella Infection in Broilers
10Khin Thida SannM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2005Screening of Fluoroquinolone Residues in Muscle of Chickens Using Microbial Inhibition Test
11Khin Nge AungM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2005Study on Sensitivity of Escherichia coli Isolates from Village Chickens in Yezin Area to Six Antibiotics
12Kyaw San LinnM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2006Studies on Anthelmintic Activity of Acidifier, Piperazine and Garlic (Allium sativum) in Experimentally Infested Ascaridia galli in Chickens
13Min Maung ChoM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2008Antibiogram of Escherichia coli Isolated from Postweaning Piglets Fed with and without Feed Additives Containing Chlortetracycline
14May Thet Hnin OoM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2009“In vitro” Study of the Resistance Pattern of Six  Antimicrobial Drugs to Salmonella Isolated from Chicken Meat in Yezin, Pyinmana and Takon Area
15Ohnmar HninM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2009Screening the Antibiotic Residues in Chicken Muscle, Liver and Kidney Samples within Nay Pyi Taw Area
16Ohn Ohn MyintM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2009Seasonal Incidence of Gastrointestinal Nematodes’ Larval Population on Grazing Areas in Yezin
17Ei Ei AungM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2009Seasonal Incidence of Gastrointestinal Nematodes Infestation of Goat in Yezin Area
18Myint Myint HmoonM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2009Study on the Prevalence of Food-borne Pathogens, Escherichia coli and Salmonella, Isolated from Chicken Meat in Retail Outlet
19Sandar KyiM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2009Prevalence Study on Cryptosporidium and Giardia Species Collected from Cattle Manure in Yamethin and Pyawbwe Townships
20Khin Nay Lin AyeM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2010Study on Antibiotic Sensitivity of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Mastitis Cows to Twelve Antibiotics
21Nang Mo KhamM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2010Comparative Study on the Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Nematodes and Flukes Infestation of Cattle between Middle Myanmar and Northern Shan State
22Htay Htay WinM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2010Isolation and Identification of Leptospira Species Isolated from Urine of Slaughtered Cattle
23Sanda TunM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2012Study on the Antimicrobial Effect of Local Medicinal Plants on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli Isolated from Raw Pork
24Tint Tint SoeM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2012Seasonal Incidence of Blood Sucking Flies in Three Locations within Nay Pyi Taw Area
25Wai Mon HtetM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2012Study on Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Household Cats within Yezin area
26Yu Phone Kyi TunM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2012Isolation and Identification of Salmonella Species in Raw Beef from Retail Outlets
27May Lin SweM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2012Study of H5 Antibody in Ducks Associated with Locality and Age Factors for Detecting HPAI in Thanatpin Township
28Tin Aye KhaingM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2012Epidemiological Study on Trichinella Infection in Slaughtered Pigs from Nay Pyi Taw Area
29May June ThuM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2013Studies on the Prevalence of Liver Fluke Infestation in Cattle from Taunggyi Area
30Tu Tu Zaw WinM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2013Epidemiological Study on Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) to support the Control Strategy in Myanmar
31Nyein Aye ThuM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2014Comparative Anthelmintic Efficacies of Medicinal Plants and Levamisole in Broiler Chicken Experimentally Infected with Ascaridia galli
32Myat Yee WinM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2014Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Brucellosis in Cattle and Goats in Pyawbwe Township
33Si Thu AungM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2014Prevalence Study on Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) with Associated Risk Factors in Dogs from Downtown and Sub-urban Areas within Pyinmana Township
34Wint Yi MaungM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2014Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection and its Associated Risk Factors in Goats within Pyawbwe Township
35Thet Htar SweM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2015Antibiotic Sensitivity of Salmonella Species Isolated from Intestinal Contents and Carcasses from Slaughtered Pigs in Pyinmana and Lewe Townships
36Ei Thae AungM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2015Study on Sensitivities of Salmonella Species from Chicken Meat and Slaughtered Pigs to Fifteen Antibiotics
37Htet Yamon OoM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2015Antibacterial Activity of Medicinal Plants Extracts against Salmonella Species Isolated from Chicken Meat and Effect of Plant’s Extracts on Growth Performance in Mice
38Hla Myet ChelM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2015Study on Morphological Identification of Ticks Associated with Seasonal Occurrence within Nay Pyi Taw Area
39Shane Thiha SoeM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2015Screening of Antibiotic Residues in Common Freshwater Fishes Collected from Wet Markets within Nay Pyi Taw Area
40Kay Thi MoeM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2015Prevalence and Potential Risks of Bovine Cryptosporidiosis Relevant to Public Hhealth Importance within Matupi Township, Southern Chin State
41Hnin Nu LwinM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2016Antimicrobial Resistance of Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Detected from Subclinical Mastitis Milk to Ten Antimicrobials and Two Herbal Plants
42Thaw ThawM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2016Antimicrobial Resistant Pattern of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Pig’s Nasal Swabs in Yezin Area
43Su Mo Mo AungM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2016“In Vitro” Microfilaricidal Activities of Plant Extracts against Dirofilaria immitis
44Soe ThuM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2016Antibacterial Activity of Ten Medicinal Plant Extracts against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Broiler Chickens
45Khin Khin ThawM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2016Antimicrobial Resistant Pattern of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Dog’s Nasal Swabs to Fifteen Antimicrobials
46Thiri ZawM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2016Distribution of Gastrointestinal Helminths Collected from Ruminants in Two Villages within Central Dry Zone
47Phyo Ei Ei SanM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2016Screening of Three Different Classes of Antibiotic Residues in Bulk Tank Milk Samples Collected from Cattle Farms within Nay Pyi Taw Area
48Aye Zar PhyuM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2016Seroprevalence and Potential Associated Risks of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Household Cats within Yangon Area
49Moh Moh LwinM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2016Detection of Aflatoxin M1 in Raw Milk Samples Collected from Cattle Farms within Nay Pyi Taw Area
50Nang Khin Thuzar AungM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2016Detection of Staphylococcus arueus, Coliform Bacteria and Salmonella in Bulk Tank Milk with Associated Risk Factors in Nay Pyi Taw
51Wai Wai LwinM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2016Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Helminths and its Associated Risk Factors in Local Cattle in Zeyar Thiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw
52Soe Soe NaingM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2016Understanding of Cattle Movement between Myanmar and China for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease in Myanmar
53Hnin Wai Myo NaingM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2016Epidemiological Study on Dog Population and Reported Experiences of Rabies in Lewe Township, Nay Pyi Taw
54Hnin Yu WaiM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2016Farmers’ Knowledge, Beliefs and Barriers to Prevent Newcastle Disease in Village Chickens in Central Dry Zone of Myanmar
55Wai Wai MinM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2016Understanding of Village Chicken Production and Health Care Management at the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar
56Shwe Sin May Lwin OoM.V.Sc. (Pharmacology)2017“In vitro” Antibacterial Activities of Five Plant Extracts and Five Betalactam Antibiotics against Escherichia coli Isolated from Slatted Floor of Commercial Broiler and Layer Farms within Maubin and Nyaungdon Townships
57Khin Khin PyaeM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2017Prevalence of Mange Mites in Goats within Natmauk Township, Magway Region
58Hnin Moe ThuM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2017Prevalence of Blood Parasites and Anaplama Species in Cattle in Meiktila and Myingyan Townships within Central Dry Zone
59Nay Oo MonM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2017Seasonal Incidence of Gastrointestinal Helminths Infestation in Elephants from Kawlin Timber Extraction Agency
60Khin Pyae Pyae PhyoM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2017Prevalence of Bovine Fasciolosis Associated with Water Sources as Risk Factor for Public Health in Magway Township, Magway Region
61Yu Nandi ThawM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2017Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Porcine Toxoplasmosis in Backyard Farms within Nay Pyi Taw Area
62Babi Kyi SoeM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2017Prevalence and Risk Factors for Shedding of Cryptosporidium Species Oocysts in Cattle within Mingaladon Township, Yangon Region
63Khin Myint MyintM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2017Prevalence of Taenia solium Cyst of Pigs Collected from Ywar Thar Gyi Slaughterhouse, East Dagon with Associated Risk Factors
64Ei Moh Moh HmweM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2017Occurrence and Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern of Escherichia coli Isolated from Commercial Broiler and Layer Farms within Nay Pyi Taw Area
65Honey WaiM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2017Antimicrobial Resistant Profile and its Associated Factors of Escherichia coli Isolated from Slatted floor of Commercial Broiler and Layer Farms within Maubin and Nyaungdon Townships
66Yamin Thiri HtayM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2017Social Economic Impact of the Application of Mass Rabies Vaccination Campaign in Lewe Township
67Mya Hmu MonM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2017Study of Intestinal Parasitic Infestations and Description of Farmer Reported Husbandry Systems and Health Problems of Village Chickens in Central Dry Zone and Nay Pyi Taw Area
68Su Mon Yee AungM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2017Hospital-based Study on Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Toxoplasmosis in Children from both Yangon Children Hospital and Specialist Hospital, Mingalardon, Myanmar
69Yamon Min Nyunt OoM.V.Sc. (Epidemiology)2017Risk Assessment on Re-introduction of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) to Monywa Poultry Husbandry Zone, Myanmar
70Khin Thandar HtooM.V.Sc. (Parasitology)2018A Cross-sectional Study on Helminths Infestation of Freshwater Fish from Local Markets within Nay Pyi Taw Area
71Ye Wint NaingM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2018Cross-sectional Study on Microbial Quality of Bulk Tank Milk from Dairy Cattle Farms in Mandalay Region
72Khine Thazin NweM.V.Sc. (Public Health)2018Cross-sectional Study of Porcine Cysticercosis in Mandalay Slaughterhouse by Meat Inspection

Ph.D. Thesis

1Khin Nay Lin AyePhD (Pharmacology)2013Anticoccidial Activity of Medicinal Plant Extracts against Eimeria tenella in Broilers
2Kyaw San LinnPhD (Pharmacology)2015Antiparasitic Activity of Myanmar Medicinal Plant Extracts against Leishmania Promastigotes, Haemonchus contortus and Ascaris suum
3Tin Aye KhaingPhD (Epidemiology)2016Study on the Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Taenia solium Cysticercosis in Slaughtered and Farmed Pigs within Nay Pyi Taw Area
4Si Thu AungPhD(Public Health)2018Seasonal Evidence and Molecular Detection of Dirofilaria immitis in mosquitoes in Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory