About Us

About Us

The Department of Pharmacology and Parasitology is responsible for teaching of Pharmacology and Toxicology subject and Parasitology subject to fourth year DVM students and Clinical Pharmacology subject to fifth year DVM students.

In Pharmacology and Toxicology subject, the course includes the basic principles of Pharmacology, routes of administration, absorption, distribution, pharmacodynamics, biotransformation, excretion, importance of materia medica acting on various systems of body, the effect of poisons and treatment of poisonings, anthelmintics and sulphonamides. The students with the basic and essential knowledge of drugs, their actions and uses and thus enable them to apply and meaningfully correlate this knowledge to their subsequent studies of clinical veterinary subjects and livestock production subjects. Moreover, there are benefits in treating animals by equipping the students with the knowledge of toxicological actions of drugs.

In Parasitology subject, emphasis is given to morphology, life cycle, epidemiology, pathogenesis and pathology, diagnosis, immunity, treatment and control of the most common parasites in Myanmar including nematodes, trematodes, cestodes, protozoa and arthropods. Zoonotic parasites and their importance in public health are also dealt with.

In Clinical Pharmacology subject, the course includes therapeutic application of antibiotics, drugs acting on central nervous system especially applied in operation and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Currently, ongoing researches of Pharmacology and Parasitology Department are;

(1). Studies on cercarial species of trematodes in snails which are intermediate host of pathogenic trematode species in human and animals in Yezin, Inley and Rakhine State

(2). Morphological and molecular studies on gastrointestinal parasites and tick borne protozoa of animals, and ectoparasites; mite, ticks, and blood sucking flies

(3). Detection of heavy metals in water and fish

(4). Efficacy of anthelmintics, antimicrobials and herbal plants’ extracts on parasites and bacteria and

(5). Study on anthelmintic resistance of helminths in animals.

Welcome Message

It is needed to do more research on emerging complicated drug resistance problems and parasitic diseases in the world in response to warmer climate and changing environment. The experts from the Department of Pharmacology and Parasitology serving in the only one University of Veterinary Science in Myanmar are unsurpassed human resources who have fully equipped and well experienced for Veterinary Pharmacology and Parasitology subjects. Warmly invite and welcome to any organization to collaborate researches with us. Expecting more qualified animal scientists and veterinarians to be produced from our University…….

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65 Years
7 Lecturers
150 Enrollment
145 Graduates